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Avelox,Cipro and Levaquin (Antibiotics)

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FDA Highlights Avelox,Cipro and Levaquin (Antibiotics) Risks

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated a stricter peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) warning on fluoroquinolone antibiotics like Levaquin, Cipro, and Avelox on August 14, 2013. This additional warning opened the door for lawsuits against the makers of these drugs for product liability, failure to warn, negligence, and other causes of action.

Users of the popular class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones may face an increased risk of permanent and irreversible nerve damage, known as peripheral neuropathy. Lawsuits for users of Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox and other similar antibiotics are being reviewed by lawyers nationwide.

Levaquin, Cipro and Avelox are antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, sinuses, kidneys, bladder, or prostate. They are also used to treat bacterial infections that cause bronchitis or pneumonia, and to treat people who have been exposed to anthrax.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury related to the use of Avelox,Cipro and Levaquin (Antibiotics), you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries with a lawsuit.
Fluorquinolones are the most widely used class of antibiotics in the United States, with more than 23 million patients per year receiving prescriptions for the medications in pill form and another three million receiving injections.
Although the antibiotics are promoted as safe and effective, side effects have been linked to a risk of peripheral neuropathy, which may leave users with a form of permanent nerve damage that attacks the peripheral nervous system.


ANTIBIOTIC NERVE DAMAGE SIDE EFFECTS: Scientific evidence has established a link between fluoroquinolone antibiotics and peripheral neuropathy for decades, with the first published case reports coming as early as 1992.


How Do I Document My Claim

It will speed up the process if you have the following information available before you contact us:

  1. Consult your doctor immediately if you suspect an injury. Follow the medical instructions of your doctor or a qualified medical professional.
  2. Keep a notebook detailing the injuries you or a loved one has suffered, with dates and symptoms documented.
  3. Keep track of your prescriptions for the Antibiotic used, note the dosage you have taken and the time period over which you took the drug.
  4. Keep any containers of the drug and make a note of the pharmacies where you had your prescriptions filled.
  5. If possible, document your injuries with pictures or other evidence.


Our firm works on a contingency basis which means you will not be asked to pay any money out of pocket.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

Free Case Evaluation

Known Side Effects

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy from antibiotics like Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox and others may include:

  • Pain or Weakness
  • Burning, Tingling or Numbness
  • Sensitivity to Light Touches, Temperatore or Motion in the Arms and Legs
Avelox, Cipro and Levaquin Warnings:

FDA PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WARNINGS: In August 2013, the FDA announced that new and stronger warnings would be added to Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The new warnings remove prior claims that the nerve damage cases were rare, and indicate that the problems may affect users for years after they stop taking the drug. In many cases the peripheral neuropathy causes permanent disability and limitations for the remainder of the users life. The FDA now requires that doctors be informed that any patients who experience symptoms of peripheral neuropathy on the antibiotics should stop treatment and be switched to another medication. Patients are now provided with clearer warnings indicating that it is important that they seek immediate medical treatment if they begin to see signs of peripheral neuropathy.

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