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Tylenol / Acetaminophen

FDA Drug Warnings

FDA Warns of Rare Acetaminophen Risk


a fever and pain reliever that is one of the most widely used medicines in the U.S., can cause rare but serious skin reactions, warns the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Although rare, possible reactions to acetaminophen include three serious skin diseases whose symptoms can include rash, blisters and, in the worst case, widespread damage to the surface of skin. If you are taking acetaminophen and develop a rash or other skin reaction, stop taking the product immediately and seek medical attention right away.

Used for decades by millions of people, acetaminophen is the generic name of a common active ingredient included in numerous prescription and non-prescription medicines. Tylenol is one brand name of the pain reliever sold over the counter, but acetaminophen is also available as a generic under various names. It is also used in combination with other medicines, including opioids for pain and medicines to treat colds, coughs, allergy, headaches and trouble sleeping.

"This new information is not intended to worry consumers or health care professionals, nor is it meant to encourage them to choose other medications," says Sharon Hertz, M.D., deputy director of FDA's Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Addiction. "However, it is extremely important that people recognize and react quickly to the initial symptoms of these rare but serious, side effects, which are potentially fatal."

Other drugs used to treat fever and pain, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen and naproxen, already carry warnings about the risk of serious skin reactions. Advil and Motrin are among the common brand names that include ibuprofen as an active ingredient. Aleve and Midol Extended Relief are among the best-known brand names that include naproxen as an active ingredient.

Ingredient Linked to Several Conditions
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are the two most serious skin reactions linked in rare cases to acetaminophen. They usually require hospitalization and can cause death.

Problems usually begin with flu-like symptoms followed by rash, blistering and extensive damage to the surfaces of the skin. Recovery can take weeks or months, and possible complications include scarring, changes in skin pigmentation, blindness and damage to internal organs.

A third skin reaction, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), usually resolves within two weeks of stopping the medication that caused the problem.

People whom have been injured by the use of Tylenol or Acetaminophen do have legal options

If you are a user of Tylenol, and after having followed the instructions of your physician you have found yourself with a diagnosis of any of the listed side effects, you do have options. The obvious first step that you should take is seeing a medical specialist and getting your condition taken care of.

You may not be able to continue working or taking care of your family, and may need to hire somebody to assist you. When a drug manufacturer puts patients’ and well-being at risk, the American legal system has remedies available. These include:

  • Mass Torts and Multi District Litigation: A mass tort is when a group of plaintiffs file their legal proceedings in a state court, while a multi district litigation (MDL) is held in a federal court.
  • Class Action Lawsuit: In a class-action lawsuit, plaintiffs with similar injuries all combine into one single lawsuit.
  • Individual lawsuits: In an individual lawsuit, the injured party sues the drug manufacturer directly both for the expenses that they have incurred as a result of their actions and for punitive damages.

Our firm works on a contingency basis which means you will not be asked to pay any money out of pocket.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

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